The Very Reverend Dr. Emmanuel Wea Johnson, Sr. The Dreamer and Founder of LECUSA

LECUSA (Liberian Episcopal Community in the USA) honors the blessed memory of the Very Reverend Dr. Emmanual Wea Johnson, Sr. on his 100th birthday May 24, 2024. The formation of a Liberian Episcopal Community in the USA (LECUSA) was the passion of the Very Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Wea Johnson, Sr, a renowned educator, administrator, faithful priest, and family man. 


Oh God who created all people equal in your image; thank you for the diversity of races and cultures in this world. Grant O Father that your holy and life giving spirit may so move every human heart in this gathering tonight; in United States of America and Liberia. That barriers which divide us may crumble, suspicions disappear, and hatred cease. That our divisions be healed and that we may live in justice, peace and love for one another. Show your presence for those of us who are inclined to differ and make all sorts of judgment in our own liking for the human race. Hear us Lord in these our prayers and supplications and grant that among all the changes and chances in our lives; the spirit of wisdom may save us from all false choices, trials and tribulations and we may glorify your name, when all the changes we seek are granted us, through the power of your holy spirit; and we finally love, care and respect one another for who we are; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

A Reverse Missionary Moment for Liberia

The election and consecration of John Toga Wea Harmon as the 14th Bishop of Arkansas is a seminal moment in the history of the Episcopal Church of Liberia. It signifies a church that has come full circle. The church planted in Cape Palmas by valiant 19th century missionaries has sent one of its own to lead an Episcopal diocese in continental United States.  


Work with the Episcopal Church of Liberia towards building a self-reliance and sustainable Diocese as per their adopted strategic plan. 


Strengthen their stewardship by being involved and committed in their respective Episcopal churches or other places of worship.


Pool individual and collective resources, as well as soliciting assistance from appropriate agencies for the benefit of the Episcopal Church of Liberia.


United States